Tech Task #8: Twitter

    My experience with Twitter has been neither good nor bad. For the most part it has been something I look when I don't want to study but want the illusion of productivity. I personally am not a huge social media user. The few platforms that I do consistently use are typically fulfilling specific needs. For example I use platforms like Pinterest to assist me in wedding planning, and to find new resources for the classroom. I have not developed any attachment or specific use for twitter however I do intend to keep my account. While I may not use it consistently and it is unlikely that I will ever be active on it and post things it is a good way to keep tabs on what is happening in the world of education.  

    If I decided to use social media as a professional in the future it is not unlikely that I would consider twitter. I would first need to consider what my goal is and then choose a platform that would support this goal. For example if my goal is to connect with parents than I would choose that platform that the majority of the parents are already using. 


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