Blog #3: Social Media in the Classroom

    Social media and the classroom has now been discussed a few times in our class. It is not something I had ever really considered in the context of the classroom. I have always thought of social media as something more personal and private, almost as an extension of the individual but I recognize now that social media can be used for more. It can be a window into the classroom and it provides a new way to communicate with parents. 
    Due to Covid-19 parents are no longer able to come into the classroom. They are no longer able to talk to the teacher face to face or see their child's work displayed on the classroom walls. Social media can help parents feel more connected to their child's school experience. It is a great way to show parents what the classroom looks like and to display students work. Social media can be a great way to help parents feel more connected to their child's classroom atmosphere with out being in the school. It is a way to celebrate the learning process for both parents and students.  
    Social media is also a great way for teachers to communicate with parents and keep them informed about classroom activities. Traditionally, communication between parents and the teacher takes one of three forms; a message home in an agenda, a parent teacher conference or the dreaded phone call home. With social media it is much quicker and easier to keep parents informed about their child's education. Rather than spending class time copying out long agenda messages and trying to hurry up the students who have problems transcribing, a quick post can keep all parents informed. 
    Many parents are already on a variety of social media platforms and checking them daily. It is an easy and accessible place for parents to see what is happening in the classroom, to get reminders about tests, hot lunches, and spirit days. This is a place where teachers can post one message that can been seen by all parents. Teachers can also use social media to keep parents informed about what subjects are being covered in class, what projects are being worked on, and when assessments have been scheduled for. 
    Social media can help cut down on the time it takes for parents to get messages and inform parents about important notes that are being sent home. It will eliminate the issue of lost agendas and will ensure that parents are aware of the messages that need to go home. It can help stream line the communication between teachers and parents by creating a smoother dialogue between the classroom and home.     


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